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Angola VAT registration threshold; 7% turnover VAT non-residents

Angola has introduced a Value Added Tax registration threshold of AOA 10million per annum (approx. €13,000).

Angola introduced VAT in October 2019 initially for large taxpayers. It then extended it to most businesses on 1 January 2020. For two years, smaller businesses were on a 7% turnover transitional regime which has now been withdrawn. This included non-residents.

The VAT threshold does not apply to non-resident traders, for example providing digital services.

At the start of 2021, a new simplified regime was introduced where supplies are subject to VAT at a rate of 7% on a monthly basis on turnover from operations that are not VAT exempt. The 7% rate also applies in case of services rendered by non-resident entities.

VAT Calc’s in real-time global Calculator and Auditor  services produce instant and accurate tax calculations for Angola or any territory into your ERP, billing, e-commerce or e-invoicing systems.


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