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3-party deemed supplier digital services VAT Advisor

Watch VAT Advisor calculate VAT on B2C & B2B deemed supplier for digital services

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Deemed supplier or reseller obligations split digital services VAT obligations between providers, marketplaces and end customers

Digital interfaces or marketplaces first have to acquire for VAT purposes the digital services via exempt transactions, and then determine how to charge and report VAT to the end customer. This varies on B2C and B2B.

Watch an intro video showing how VAT Advisor provides instant answers on complex cross-border deemed supplier chains.

Solving import VAT challenges with VATCalc

VATCalc covers all of the above requirements, whether on-screen (VAT Advisor and VAT Auditor), via an API call to our tax engine (VAT Calculator), or by posting the invoice to the correct VAT return box (VAT Filer):

  • Full VAT calculation for invoices and all parties;
  • Calculations based on where the service is consumed;
  • Cites legislation articles relied upon for the conclusions, both EU VAT Directive and local national legislation; and
  • Once you are happy and ‘commit’ the transaction, VATCalc can include the transactions in all the relevant VAT returns within the same application. But this is just an option: you can use Advisor or Calculator separately.


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