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France free La Source e-invoicing platform

e-invoicing: l’Ordre des Experts-comptables ‘La Source’ free platform

The Order of Chartered Accountants has announced the creation of an electronic invoicing platform (via the existing ‘La Source‘) to support small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs.

This follows the French tax authorities, DGFiP, decision to withdraw its own free platform (Public Billing Portal (PPF)) for the 2026 e-invoicing mandate. Instead, taxpayers must contract with accredited e-invoicing service providers, partner dematerialization platform (PDP)  The French Chartered accountants offering is in reaction to this.

Free e-invoicing with data generation

Beyond being useful to companies, this platform is also able generating data that accountants can to exploit to gain performance and efficiency for the benefit of their customers and more generally of the economy, via new value-added services. The Data generated via the electronic invoice will thus feed the data lake (The Source) whose creation has recently been announced. Better yet, the data will also be reliable and updated in real time.

The Source is a huge reservoir of economic and extra-financial data fed by the entire French profession and accessible to all firms, in compliance with the GDPR regulations (General Data Protection Regulation), of course. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence tools that will analyze and enhance the data, the profession will be able, for example, to develop new missions with high added value to always better support the business leader, in different registers. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is one of them, at the time of all transitions.


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