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EU VAT Expert Group reviews VAT in the Digital Age reforms

European Commission group debates question on: Single VAT registration in EU; Digital Reporting Requirements and e-invoices; and Platform Economy and VAT

The European Commission’s VAT Expert Group (‘VEG’) reviewed this month a range of questions arising from the proposed VAT in the Digital Age reforms. Following the debate around these issues, a draft conclusion will be produced by the Commission and impact assessment completed. Draft VAT Directive amendments should be public 16th November.

Key points discussed at the VEG meeting included:

Single VAT Registration in the EU (extension of OSS)

  • For the transfer of own goods across EU country borders for B2C transactions with a digital platform involved to be included in the One Stop-Shop VAT return, member states wish to retain it as a taxable event to track for fraud. A model is being considered which would be based on an extension of the marketplace deemed supplier provision for transfers of goods of underlying suppliers (both outside and inside the EU) and for subsequent supplies, in combination with a new module in the One Stop-Shop (OSS) for transfers, including for transfers whereby no use would be made of a platform.
  • This raises questions about having to declare the taxable amounts of the transfers. Also, how would this work with call-off stock.

E-invoicing interoperability and harmonisation

  • Members of the VEG were largely against a Continuous Transaction Control model whereby invoices are first pre-cleared with the government in real time. This was largely because data protection concerns.
  • There were also concerns on mandating any e-invoicing system because it would put disproportionate costs on to small and medium sized-businesses
  • Members of the VEG were anxious to adopt a single e-invoicing standard to avoid a proliferation. The existing EU CEN 16931 standard was suggested.
  • Again for confidentiality reasons, there was opposition to a single network being mandated; the preference was for a mix of public and private.
  • Many members of the VEG raised questions about compatibility with the already deployed systems, including Italian SdI. The EC services clarified that the implementation of a harmonised system will take into account these issues and will give enough time to carry out the adaptation.

VAT and the Platform Economy

  • The VEG group looked at the complex issues for deemed supplier imposition on the accommodation sector.
  • The question of fiscal neutrality was raised, in particular that a supplier via the deemed supply would not be able to recover any input VAT. However, another member argued against this, saying that the supplier under the deemed supply would have no compliance costs, which would make up for the loss of input tax deduction.
  • On a question about streamlining the data reporting obligations of platforms, the Commission services indicated they will look into which information is to be transmitted to tax administrations and its frequency.

Outstanding questions for three strands of VAT in the Digital Age reforms

Key questions had been split prior to the VEG meeting into the three stands of the reforms which were originally part of the Tax Action Plan from 2020.

  1. Single VAT Registration in the EU – extending the pan-EU OSS return to all B2C cross-border transactions and some B2C transactions. The major issue is capturing the movement of own stocks and OSS. Of the three proposed options, it appears using the OSS return and keeping the transaction departure and intra-community acquisition taxable is the most likely choice. Watch our VAT TV episode on the Single VAT Registration proposals.
  2. Digital Reporting Requirements – what harmonisation model should be adopted by member states around live transaction reporting, including e-invoicing. The EU has proposed a choice between partial and full harmonisation on DDR and the challenges of interoperability between country variations. The former being intra-community transactions being included in an EU-level reporting regime; the latter being intra-community and domestic transactions. There are many options around: separating e-invoicing and e-reporting, including if using Continuous Transaction Controls model; full or partial invoice data sets; which standard to adopt including PEPPOL; how invoices are transmitted; and role of the customer in approving the invoice. Watch our VAT TV episode on Digital Reporting Requirements.
  3. Platform Economy and VAT – exploring how marketplaces for goods, services, gig and sharing economy can assist in monitoring and/or collecting their users VAT. The many issues include: should platforms take on deemed supplier role; new 2025 EU VAT registration threshold rules and if these could undermine deemed supplier; special scheme for travel agents (TOMS); an exemption for house sharing and similar short-term accommodation platforms; what record keeping, including intersection with DAC 7

EU VAT reforms

Reform (click for details) Update
Contact VATCalc to learn how our single VAT determination, reporting and e-invoicing platform can help you manage and thrive with global compliance change
2035 Harmonisation of EU e-invoicing and domestic regimes Jan 2035
2030 Digital Reporting Requirements and e-invoicing harmonisation July 2030
Structured e-invoices supercede paper invoices July 2030
EC Sales lists replaced by Digital Reporting Requirements July 2030
2028 EU Customs reforms Published May 2023
€150 import consignment threshold removed Published May 2023
2027 Single VAT Registration in the EU - extension of OSS July 2027
Call-off stock VAT simplification ends July 2027
Harmonisation of B2B Reverse Charge rules July 2027
Proposal for VAT treatment of the platform economy July 2027
2026 DAC8 harmonised crypto asset reporting Approved May 2023
2025 VAT registration thresholds equivalence foreign businesses 1 Jan 2025
Virtual events VAT rule changes 1 Jan 2025
Financial Services VAT exemption reform proposals Consultation complete; proposal awaited
Tour operator margin scheme VAT reforms EC undertaking fresh review
2024 Payment providers' seller transaction reporting and bookkeeping obligations In effect since 1 Jan 2024
2023 DAC 7 - marketplace reporting harmonisation In effect since 1 Jan 2024
2022 IOSS reforms to prevent double taxation On hold
EU reduced VAT rate freedoms Entered into force 6 April 2022
VAT in the Digital Age proposals Published Dec 2022
EU DAC8 cryptocurrency tax reporting proposals Published Dec 2022
VAT Gap Initiative Q3 2022
EU Definitive VAT System On hold
2021 One-Stop-Shop (OSS) single EU VAT return In effect since 1 July 2021
Ending €22 import VAT exemption; new IOSS return In effect since 1 July 2021
Marketplace deemed supplier EU VAT reforms In effect since 1 July 2021
2020 EU four Quick Fixes for VAT In effect
Tax authorities anti-VAT fraud cooperation In effect
Tax Action Plan - 25 VAT and other tax reforms roadmap See 'VAT in the Digital Age' and others
2019 Simplification of e-services VAT compliance and thresholds In effect
Single and multi-use vouchers In effect
2018 Lower e-book and publications VAT rates In effect, although not all EU states have adopted the option


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