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Slovenia B2B e-invoicing e-SLOG June 2026

B2B e-invoicing 8-day reporting requirement proposal from 1 June 2026

Slovenia has proposed mandating e-invoice reporting for B2B transactions from 1 June 2026. This will regulate the compulsory exchange of accepted formats of structured e-invoices which must then be reported to the tax administration within eight days. B2B invoices with non-residents must also follow the proposed reporting requirements. B2C invoices may continue to be issued in paper format.

The government’s draft Bill is now headed to the National Assembly for review and approval.

The EU is proposing the mandatory exchange and reporting of e-invoices on intra-community supplies from July 2030 under its VAT in the Digital Age proposals.

The draft requirements are both issuer and customer to report the e-invoice exchange to the Financial Administrator (FURS) within eight days. There is no pre-clearance requirement. Taxpayers have three options for exchanging e-invoices:

  • e-SLOG national standard (Elektronsko poslovanje slovenskega gospodarstva) which is a standard developed by the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia;
  • EN 16931 EU standard; or
  • Structured e-invoice format recognised internationally, and agreed by both parties.

Taxpayers may use registered service providers or ‘e-route’ providers for the exchange of e-invoices.

The draft law had been stuck in talks in parliament for over a year.

Slovenia was an early adopter for e-invoicing, imposing B2G e-invoices in 2015 and ahead of the 2019 obligation. e-SLOG is the national standard, operating on (national XML standard), UBL 2.1, UN/CEFACT CII D16B.

No pre-clearance e-invoices e-SLOG

The draft legislation would impose the obligation on all taxpayers for B2B transactions, including cross-border transactions.  This would include a full registration on the PRS business register.

Draft sales invoices can be generated by the vendor in XML. This would be submitted to the tax authorities in 8 days. This will probably be on the UJP portal under the e-SLOG (Elektronsko poslovanje slovenskega gospodarstva)standard developed for state document exchange to the National registry of recipients of eInvoices. This in turn is now linked to the Peppol network.

Submitting e-Invoices will be submitted to UJP via:

  • manual creation online in the UJP login
  • XML format
  • Direct upload
  • Peppol access point
  • Third-party e-invoicing agent

Europe e-invoicing and live reporting

Country Date Comments (click for details)
EU e-invoice proposals 2030-35 Digital reporting and e-invoicing harmonisation
Albania Jan 2021 Authorised e-invoice software and pre-clearance
Belgium Jan 2026 Phased introduction of B2B e-invoices
Bulgaria TBC Public consultation on pre-clearance model e-invoice
Croatia Jan 2026 B2B mandatory e-invoicing
Denmark 2024 Digital record keeping obligations
Estonia 2025 Suppliers must offer customers e-invoicing option
Finland Apr 2020 Customer option to require B2B e-invoices
France Sep 2026 E-invoicing and e-reporting for B2B and B2C
Germany 2025-28 B2B mandatory e-invoicing proposals
Greece 2025 e-invoicing based on exiting myDATA digital reporting
Hungary Jul 2018 RTIR live invoice reporting. No govt pre-clearance required
Jan 2024 eVAT pre-filled returns based on live invoice reporting
Italy Jan 2019 Micro businesses join SdI e-invoicing Jan 2024
Ireland TBC Public consultation underway
Latvia Jan 2026 B2B e-invoices based on PEPPOL
Lithuania TBC E-invoicing platform being scoped
Moldova TBC Extension consultation for 2025
Montenegro TBC B2B mandatory e-invoicing preparations
Netherlands No mandate planned Unlikely to adopt domestic reforms
Poland Feb 2026 B2B mandated e-invoicing
Portugal Jan 2024 Certified invoicing software for non-residents
Jan 2024 ATCUD digital invoice signature for non-residents
Romania Jul 2024 RO e-invoicing implementation
Russia TBC Extension of Traceability Model to B2B on hold
Serbia Jan 2023 B2B e-invoicing
Slovakia 2025 B2B and B2C e-invoice rollout
Slovenia Jun 2026 B2B e-invoicing mandate
Spain 1 Jul 2017 SII live invoice and book reporting
Spain 2 Jan 2026? Pre-clearance B2B e-invoices; supplement to SII
Spain 3 Jan 2026? Certified e-invoicing software VERI*FACTU
Sweden TBC PEPPOL based mandatory e-invoicing
Turkey Jan 2014 e-invoice e-Fatura and e-Arşiv
UK Apr 2022 MTD for VAT extended to 1.1million taxpayers


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