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Global VAT changes July 2023

Major global Value Added Tax & Goods and Services Tax changes from 1 July 2023

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Date Country VAT / GST  changes (click for details)
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2024 Europe 2024 European VAT & Intrastat thresholds
1 Jul 2024 Denmark Certified digital invoicing and bookkeeping
1 Jul 2024 Greece Ends COVID-19 temporary reduced rates
1 Jul 2024 Romania Full mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jul 2024 Bulgaria End tourism VAT rate cut
1 Jul 2024 Slovakia VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jul 2024 US Wyoming withdraws 200 transaction sales tax threshold
1 Jul 2024 US North Carolina ends 200,000 transaction sales tax threshold
1 Jul 2024 Senegal VAT on non-resident digital services
1 Jul 2024 Zambia Mandatory e-invoicing
5 Jul 2024 Thailand VAT on low-value goods imports
14 Jul 2024 Philippines E-commerce 1% withholding tax
1 Aug 2024 Romania eVAT pre-filled VAT returns
1 Aug 2024 India 2% equalisation levy on foreign digital services scrapped
1 Aug 2024 Malaysia E-invoicing 6-month soft launch
1 Sep 2024 Finland Standard VAT rate rise
1 Sep 2024? Austria SAF-T reboot
1 Oct 2024 Spain Food VAT rise to 2%
1 Oct 2024 Cyprus Temporary VAT cut on essentials ends
1 Oct 2024 Saudi Arabia 10th wave of e-invoicing mandate
1 Oct 2024 Thailand VAT rise to 10%
1 Nov 2024 Ireland End of temporary VAT cut on energy
1 Nov 2024 Saudi Arabia 11th wave e-invoicing
1 Dec 2024 Botswana Mandatory e-invoicing rollout
1 Dec 2024 Saudi Arabia 12th wave e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 EU Increased VAT rate setting freedoms
1 Jan 2025 EU VAT registration threshold special scheme for SME's
1 Jan 2025 EU EU VAT rule changes on cross-border virtual events
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Business must accept structure e-invoices
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Place of supply travel and event services
1 Jan 2025 Sweden VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jan 2025 Belgium VAT return rule changes
1 Jan 2025 Germany Structured E-invoicing adoption
1 Jan 2025 Germany Art sales moves to reduced 7% VAT rate
1 Jan 2025 Spain Food VAT rise to 4%
1 Jan 2025 Finland Reduced VAT rate changes
1 Jan 2025 Finland VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jan 2025 Greece Potential e-invoice mandate
1 Jan 2025 Greece Domestic VAT reverse charge B2B construction
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Introduction of VAT Groups
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Food VAT rate cut ends
1 Jan 2025 Portugal SAF-T Accounting becomes mandatory
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Qualified Electronic Signature mandatory
1 Jan 2025 Slovenia VAT registration increase
1 Jan 2025 Latvia B2G e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 Estonia Accommodation and press publication VAT rise
Jan 2025? Estonia Suppliers must offer customers e-invoicing option
1 Jan 2025 Romania Extension of e-invoicing to B2C
1 Jan 2025 Romania Final wave of SAF-T taxpayers
1 Jan 2025 Bulgaria Phased introduction of SAF-T
1 Jan 2025 Bulgaria End catering VAT rate cut
1 Jan 2025 Ukraine SAF-T for large taxpayers
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Deemed supplier for marketplaces on goods
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Various VAT changes
1 Jan 2025 Saudi Arabia 13th wave of e-invoicing
1 Jan 2024 Oman Mandatory e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 Israel 1% VAT rate increase
1 Jan 2025 Tajikistan VAT cut to 13%
1 Jan 2025 Japan Consumption Tax on non-resident app stores
1 Jan 2025 Indonesia VAT rate to rise 1% to 12%
1 Jan 2025 Vietnam 2% temporary VAT cut ends
1 Jan 2025 Sri Lanka VAT on digital services
1 Jan 2025 Malaysia 2nd phase of e-invoices mandate
1 Jan 2025 New Zealand 3% Digital Services Tax
1 Jan 2025 Paraguay Last wave of mandatory e-invoicing taxpayers
15 Jan 2025 Dominican Republic 2nd wave of mandatory e-invoicing
1 Feb 2025 Malaysia Mandatory e-invoicing grace period ends
1 Apr 2025 Croatia Heating VAT returns to 25%
1 Apr 2025 Japan Deemed supplier VAT on marketplace e-commerce
1 Jul 2025 Estonia 2% VAT rise to 24%
1 Jul 2025 Malaysia 3rd phase of e-invoicing mandate
1 Oct 2025 US Washington DC sales tax rise
1 Nov 2025 Singapore E-invoicing rollout starts
1 Jan 2026 EU DAC8 harmonised crypto asset reporting
1 Jan 2026 Belgium Peppol-based mandatory B2B e-invoices
1 Jan 2026 Netherlands Withdrawal of 9% VAT range of services
1 Jan 2026 Switzerland Potential VAT rise to 8.5%
1 Jan 2026? Spain Potential mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jan 2026? Spain Certified electronic invoicing requirements
1 Jan 2026 Latvia B2B e-invoices mandated
1 Jan 2026 Croatia Mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jan 2026 Brazil VAT implementation begins
1 Jan 2026 Brazil VAT on non-resident digital services
1 Jan 2026 India Potential B2C e-invoicing
15 Jan 2026 Dominican Republic 3rd wave of mandatory e-invoicing
1 Feb 2026 Poland 1st wave KSeF e-invoicing mandate
1 Apr 2026 Poland 2nd wave KSeF e-invoicing mandate
1 Jun 2026 Slovenia B2B e-invoicing mandate
1 July 2026 UAE Mandatory e-invoicing
1 Sept 2026 France E-invoice and e-reporting for B2B and B2C
1 Oct 2026 US Washington DC sales tax rise
1 Jan 2027 Germany Large companies e-invoicing compulsory
1 Jan 2027? Spain 2nd wave e-invoicing mandate
1 Jan 2027 Ukraine SAF-T for all taxpayers
1 Jan 2027 UK Introduction of CBAM levy
1 Jul 2027 EU Single VAT Registration in the EU - extension of OSS
1 Jul 2027 EU Accommodation & travel platforms deemed supplier for VAT
1 Jul 2027 EU Call-off stock VAT simplification ends
1 Jul 2027 EU Harmonisation of B2B Reverse Charge rules
1 Jul 2027 EU Increased VAT rate setting freedoms
1 Sep 2027 France Phase 2 mandatory e-invoicing
1 Jan 2028 Germany Small companies e-invoicing
Jan 2028 EU EU Customs reforms
1 Mar 2028 EU €150 import consignment threshold removed
1 Mar 2028 EU IOSS mandated for marketplaces
1 Jul 2030 EU Digital Reporting Requirements including e-invoicing harmonisation
1 Jul 2030 EU Structured e-invoices supersede paper invoices
1 Jul 2030 EU EC Sales lists replaced by Digital Reporting Requirements


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