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Ireland cuts VAT e-books to nil

2024 Budget reduced VAT on electronic and audio books to zero

The 2024 Irish Budget includes a provision to reclassify the VAT rate on electronic books to zero. This brings it into line with the rate on their printed equivalent.  The same tax break will be extended to audio books.

The tax cut will come into effect from 1 January 2024.

March 2019 – e-book VAT cut to 9%

Ireland first cut the VAT rate on electronic books from 23% to 9%. The new rate came into force from 1 January 2019.

This followed agreement by the 28 EU member states to allow the setting VAT rates on e-books and audio books at the same rate as their paper equivalent. Prior to this agreement, since e-books were not listed in Annex III of the EU VAT Directive supplies entitled to reduced rates, member states were compelled to levy their full, standard rates.

Future global VAT / GST changes

Date Country VAT / GST  changes (click for details)
Contact VATCalc to learn how our single VAT determination, reporting and e-invoicing platform can help you manage global compliance change
2024 Europe 2024 European VAT & Intrastat thresholds
1 Jul 2024 Denmark Certified digital invoicing and bookkeeping
1 Jul 2024 Greece Ends COVID-19 temporary reduced rates
1 Jul 2024 Romania Full mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jul 2024 Bulgaria End tourism VAT rate cut
1 Jul 2024 Slovakia VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jul 2024 US Wyoming withdraws 200 transaction sales tax threshold
1 Jul 2024 US North Carolina ends 200,000 transaction sales tax threshold
1 Jul 2024 Senegal VAT on non-resident digital services
1 Jul 2024 Zambia Mandatory e-invoicing
5 Jul 2024 Thailand VAT on low-value goods imports
14 Jul 2024 Philippines E-commerce 1% withholding tax
1 Aug 2024 Romania eVAT pre-filled VAT returns
1 Aug 2024 India 2% equalisation levy on foreign digital services scrapped
1 Aug 2024 Malaysia E-invoicing 6-month soft launch
1 Sep 2024 Finland Standard VAT rate rise
1 Sep 2024? Austria SAF-T reboot
1 Oct 2024 Spain Food VAT rise to 2%
1 Oct 2024 Cyprus Temporary VAT cut on essentials ends
1 Oct 2024 Saudi Arabia 10th wave of e-invoicing mandate
1 Oct 2024 Thailand VAT rise to 10%
1 Nov 2024 Ireland End of temporary VAT cut on energy
1 Nov 2024 Saudi Arabia 11th wave e-invoicing
1 Dec 2024 Botswana Mandatory e-invoicing rollout
1 Dec 2024 Saudi Arabia 12th wave e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 EU Increased VAT rate setting freedoms
1 Jan 2025 EU VAT registration threshold special scheme for SME's
1 Jan 2025 EU EU VAT rule changes on cross-border virtual events
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Business must accept structure e-invoices
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Place of supply travel and event services
1 Jan 2025 Sweden VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jan 2025 Belgium VAT return rule changes
1 Jan 2025 Germany Structured E-invoicing adoption
1 Jan 2025 Germany Art sales moves to reduced 7% VAT rate
1 Jan 2025 Spain Food VAT rise to 4%
1 Jan 2025 Finland Reduced VAT rate changes
1 Jan 2025 Finland VAT registration threshold rise
1 Jan 2025 Greece Potential e-invoice mandate
1 Jan 2025 Greece Domestic VAT reverse charge B2B construction
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Introduction of VAT Groups
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Food VAT rate cut ends
1 Jan 2025 Portugal SAF-T Accounting becomes mandatory
1 Jan 2025 Portugal Qualified Electronic Signature mandatory
1 Jan 2025 Slovenia VAT registration increase
1 Jan 2025 Latvia B2G e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 Estonia Accommodation and press publication VAT rise
Jan 2025? Estonia Suppliers must offer customers e-invoicing option
1 Jan 2025 Romania Extension of e-invoicing to B2C
1 Jan 2025 Romania Final wave of SAF-T taxpayers
1 Jan 2025 Bulgaria Phased introduction of SAF-T
1 Jan 2025 Bulgaria End catering VAT rate cut
1 Jan 2025 Ukraine SAF-T for large taxpayers
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Deemed supplier for marketplaces on goods
1 Jan 2025 Switzerland Various VAT changes
1 Jan 2025 Saudi Arabia 13th wave of e-invoicing
1 Jan 2024 Oman Mandatory e-invoicing
1 Jan 2025 Israel 1% VAT rate increase
1 Jan 2025 Tajikistan VAT cut to 13%
1 Jan 2025 Japan Consumption Tax on non-resident app stores
1 Jan 2025 Indonesia VAT rate to rise 1% to 12%
1 Jan 2025 Vietnam 2% temporary VAT cut ends
1 Jan 2025 Sri Lanka VAT on digital services
1 Jan 2025 Malaysia 2nd phase of e-invoices mandate
1 Jan 2025 New Zealand 3% Digital Services Tax
1 Jan 2025 Paraguay Last wave of mandatory e-invoicing taxpayers
15 Jan 2025 Dominican Republic 2nd wave of mandatory e-invoicing
1 Feb 2025 Malaysia Mandatory e-invoicing grace period ends
1 Apr 2025 Croatia Heating VAT returns to 25%
1 Apr 2025 Japan Deemed supplier VAT on marketplace e-commerce
1 Jul 2025 Estonia 2% VAT rise to 24%
1 Jul 2025 Malaysia 3rd phase of e-invoicing mandate
1 Oct 2025 US Washington DC sales tax rise
1 Nov 2025 Singapore E-invoicing rollout starts
1 Jan 2026 EU DAC8 harmonised crypto asset reporting
1 Jan 2026 Belgium Peppol-based mandatory B2B e-invoices
1 Jan 2026 Netherlands Withdrawal of 9% VAT range of services
1 Jan 2026 Switzerland Potential VAT rise to 8.5%
1 Jan 2026? Spain Potential mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jan 2026? Spain Certified electronic invoicing requirements
1 Jan 2026 Latvia B2B e-invoices mandated
1 Jan 2026 Croatia Mandatory B2B e-invoicing
1 Jan 2026 Brazil VAT implementation begins
1 Jan 2026 Brazil VAT on non-resident digital services
1 Jan 2026 India Potential B2C e-invoicing
15 Jan 2026 Dominican Republic 3rd wave of mandatory e-invoicing
1 Feb 2026 Poland 1st wave KSeF e-invoicing mandate
1 Apr 2026 Poland 2nd wave KSeF e-invoicing mandate
1 Jun 2026 Slovenia B2B e-invoicing mandate
1 July 2026 UAE Mandatory e-invoicing
1 Sept 2026 France E-invoice and e-reporting for B2B and B2C
1 Oct 2026 US Washington DC sales tax rise
1 Jan 2027 Germany Large companies e-invoicing compulsory
1 Jan 2027? Spain 2nd wave e-invoicing mandate
1 Jan 2027 Ukraine SAF-T for all taxpayers
1 Jan 2027 UK Introduction of CBAM levy
1 Jul 2027 EU Single VAT Registration in the EU - extension of OSS
1 Jul 2027 EU Accommodation & travel platforms deemed supplier for VAT
1 Jul 2027 EU Call-off stock VAT simplification ends
1 Jul 2027 EU Harmonisation of B2B Reverse Charge rules
1 Jul 2027 EU Increased VAT rate setting freedoms
1 Sep 2027 France Phase 2 mandatory e-invoicing
1 Jan 2028 Germany Small companies e-invoicing
Jan 2028 EU EU Customs reforms
1 Mar 2028 EU €150 import consignment threshold removed
1 Mar 2028 EU IOSS mandated for marketplaces
1 Jul 2030 EU Digital Reporting Requirements including e-invoicing harmonisation
1 Jul 2030 EU Structured e-invoices supersede paper invoices
1 Jul 2030 EU EC Sales lists replaced by Digital Reporting Requirements


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